Wheatfield Primary School keeps up the good work
Ofsted inspectors found that Wheatfield Primary School continues to be a “good” school, noting that the school’s values of ‘being the best you can be, being kind and making the right choices’ are embodied by children and staff.
Inspectors noted that “leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils” and they praised the children’s behaviour, noting that they behave well, and are polite and kind to each other. They understood that children feel safe at school, knowing “they have trusted adults around them to listen and to help them if they have any concerns or worries” and the children are adamant that “everyone is treated equally”.
Inspectors recognised that “parents say that their children thrive at this school”, with older children proud to take on leadership roles and making a positive contribution to important school matters, and that “staff ensure that pupils’ personal development, talents and interests are nurtured well”. Inspectors also noted the effective support provided for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The inspectors identified that from the early years onwards, the children approach their learning with enthusiasm and curiosity, trying their best and taking pride in their achievements. They noted the “early years curriculum appropriately reflects the way young children learn (and) is effective in laying strong foundations for children to flourish as they move through the school”.
The report highlights that reading is a priority throughout the school, starting in Reception where reading books are specifically chosen to support the sounds being learnt in class. Inspectors saw that throughout every year leaders and teachers inspire children to enjoy reading and texts are carefully chosen to “ignite a passion and love for reading”.
Tamara Brown, Head of School, commented "we are really proud of the report and so pleased that the staff and students have been recognised in the report for the way in which they treat each other with respect and that their differences are celebrated."