GLF Schools

Good news for The Vale Primary School from Ofsted

Blog Header Image 23/06/2023

The Ofsted inspector found that The Vale Primary School remains a ‘good’ school when she visited last month, noting that children are “happy at this friendly and supportive school”, where they feel welcome and safe. 

The inspector commented that children feel valued and listened to; their views are gathered via the School Council, and they appreciate “the way teachers make learning fun and that playground facilities are regularly updated”. This helps them feel that their needs are important and recognised. She noted that parents like the family feel of the school stating, “a parent summed up others’ views by saying: ‘The Vale is a caring school where every child is known and allowed to flourish.’” 

The report praised the high expectations staff have of the children which are set out in the school values which “pupils strive to meet”; this helps ensure behaviour is good. Children enjoy their learning; they are “keen and motivated to learn (and have) a thirst for knowledge… their discussions with each other are focused and productive (and they) enjoy using the rich vocabulary that leaders have woven throughout the curriculum”. 

The inspector praised the “relentless focus” school leaders have on improving the curriculum and ensuring that all teachers have “appropriate training and support to develop strong subject knowledge”. She noted that “pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified quickly and then support put in place so all pupils can access the full curriculum on offer”. Learning to read was recognised as a “top priority” with a systematic approach to teaching early reading implemented effectively by well trained staff. In mathematics, the inspector noted that the introduction of a new curriculum in early years is working well to ensure children learn the foundations of number and are secure in their knowledge as they progress through the school. 

The inspector recognised the enhanced curriculum offer, noting that “pupils are enthusiastic about the variety of clubs on offer, such as cooking, choir and calligraphy (and) are positive about the opportunities they have to contribute to the school community, for example by being a ‘Vale Ambassador’”.  The report acknowledges the enriched curriculum offer which supports children’s wider development and “helps ensure that pupils are ready for the next stages of their education and life beyond school”. 

Co-Headteachers Cathy Browne and Sarah Leyland commented, “we are delighted that the inspection has captured the ethos of the Vale and the commitment of the whole school community to provide the best opportunities in learning and the wider curriculum for our pupils.  We are so proud!”