Good news from Ofsted for Hardwick Primary School
BackHardwick Primary School remains a ‘good’ school, according to a recent Ofsted inspection, with the inspector noting “there is enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding if we were to carry out a graded (section 5) inspection now”.
“Pupils say that everyone is kind at their school, (they) are overwhelmingly happy and feel safe at Hardwick Primary School”, the report states, noting that the children are “enthusiastic about their learning and talk with pride about their achievements”, enjoying the celebrations and collection of reward points. The report continues, “behaviour in lessons and around the school is excellent, and pupils clearly love learning”.
The inspector praised the “exceptionally high expectations (which) are in place for all pupils from Nursery all the way through to Year 6” and commented that “leaders want the pupils to experience the best possible primary experience. They make no apologies for their highly inclusive and challenging expectations for all”. The report continues, “the same high expectations are in place for pupils with special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND are very well supported in the classroom and are given the resources and help needed to be successful”.
The inspector recognised the “highly ambitious curriculum which is exceptionally well planned and sequenced, (and that) leaders strive to provide the best possible experiences for all pupils in this school”. He noted “leaders are driven to ensure that the pupils receive not just a well-rounded education but also a wealth of experiences that go beyond the taught curriculum”, including a wide range of trips and visits - incorporating ones that are built around the science and technology of the local area - as well as the “many opportunities for enrichment within the curriculum from learning to salsa dance to pupils creating their own carnivals”. Leaders are supported by staff across the school, who “teach the planned curriculum well and share leaders’ high expectations”.
The inspection report identifies that “reading is a high priority for the school, as leaders and staff know its importance to future success”, and notes that there is a “well implemented approach to the teaching of phonics across the school, which starts from Nursery”. Teaching of the phonics programme is delivered with expertise and there are clear systems and expectations in place. The focus on reading is clear - “books are everywhere”, and “pupils love reading”; there is deliberate thought behind the choice of books, which are found “not just in libraries and book corners but placed with purpose in the early years learning environment”. The deliberate choice behind texts is clear in other subjects too, the report notes mathematics in particular, and states “the subtle link to number is everywhere in the early years. Children experience opportunities to count amounts and see numbers on a daily basis in all areas of the classroom”.
This is the first Ofsted inspection since Hardwick Primary School joined GLF Schools in 2019.
Headteacher Graeme Page commented, “We are absolutely thrilled with the outcome of our recent inspection and I am incredibly proud of what we have been able to achieve in the last 3 years despite the challenges that came with leading a school after the pandemic. This report recognises our relentless drive to continually improve teaching & learning which has ensured that our children get the very best education no matter their starting points. The outcome of the inspection reflects a significant effort made by our whole team to improve the education of each and every pupil in our school and I would like to thank all the pupils, staff, parents and members of our multi-academy trust for their on-going hard-work, support and dedication. To be given no areas for improvement is testament to the outstanding work going on at all levels in our school”.