Floreat Wandsworth is Outstanding in All Areas
Following a recent Ofsted inspection we are delighted that Floreat Wandsworth has been rated ‘Outstanding’ in all categories: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision.
Inspectors praised the school as “an exceptional school that provides pupils with a high-quality education full of rich and exciting experiences,” a school where “Parents and carers are, rightly, full of praise for the school and the brilliant start in life that their children receive.”
It is pleasing that inspectors recognised the “very high expectations for pupils’ achievement and behaviour (which) are shared and modelled by all staff. This starts in the early years, where children make an excellent start. Pupils rise to meet these high expectations. They grow in confidence and achieve highly.”
The report states that “At the heart of the school’s success is its ambition for all to succeed and thrive” and refers to the “inspiring and ambitious” curriculum which is “full of well-considered and meaningful experiences. In all subjects, it is designed with precision and includes opportunities to revisit learning. Reading, oracy and developing pupils’ language feature throughout. This ensures that pupils develop deep knowledge about every subject.” In addition, inspectors reference the educational visits which have been meticulously planned to ensure they further enhance the curriculum; these include museums, farms, historical buildings, art venues and places of worship.
Living the school vision of developing character, knowledge and core skills is at the core of the school, and the report highlights the character development programme which begins in Nursery and is “At the heart of the school’s exceptional wider development offer”. Inspectors noted that “Much of the school’s work is underpinned by its focus on developing pupils’ character. As a result, pupils take great pride in their school and their behaviour is excellent. They work hard in lessons and confidently express their views and opinions.
The report states “Pupils are very well supported by caring adults. They know that the rules and routines of the school keep them safe and prepare them well for life beyond school. For example, each year group takes part in a ‘service-learning project.’ These include worthwhile activities such as planning an event for elderly residents in the local care home.”
The inspection report commends the “high-quality professional development for all adults. As a result, staff are knowledgeable about how to teach and deliver the intended curriculum expertly... (explaining) new learning clearly and in well-ordered steps.” It cites “Pupils’ attitudes to learning are remarkably positive. They are confident and knowledgeable.”
The inspectors particularly highlight how “Staff deliver the school’s phonics programme exceptionally well” and comment on how the “sharp focus on reading means that pupils quickly become confident and fluent readers.”
Matthew Custance, Headteacher, commented, “We are delighted with the outcome of our recent inspection which reflects the hard work, dedication, and commitment of our entire Floreat Wandsworth community. The outstanding feedback we received about our inspirational school vision and culture is a true testament to the efforts of our staff, pupils and parents! Recognition should also be made of the invaluable support and leadership provided by our governors and the GLF School Support Team, for which I would like to express my sincere gratitude.”
Julian Drinkall, CEO, GLF Schools, said “I am thrilled that Ofsted has acknowledged the impressive developments the school has made since its previous inspection. Achieving an 'Outstanding' rating in all areas is a fantastic accomplishment and a true reflection of the dedication and commitment of the entire school community. This success highlights the hard work both within and beyond the curriculum, ensuring that every child receives the highest standard of education. All colleagues at GLF Schools are dedicated to providing the best possible educational outcomes for all students and Matthew and the staff team continue to work tirelessly to achieve this at Floreat Wandsworth.”
We are delighted with the outcome of the inspection, please click here to read the full report.
Floreat Wandsworth Primary School is a two-form mixed entry school based in Wandsworth, London. The school joined GLF Schools in 2019 and has classes from Nursery to Year 6.
For further information and to contact the school please email office@wandsworth.floreat.org.uk.